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Sunday, September 30, 2012

New Product :: Dealing with Anger Activity Pack

Anger Activities Cover

My students often have difficulty dealing with anger in safe, appropriate ways. These are some of my go-to activities in my counseling groups. They help students to discover what anger feels like, what triggers their anger, and what they can do to cope with being angry. It includes the following:

- DeBug Poster Screen Shot 2012-10-29 at 9.46.09 AM
- Coping Strategy Visual Aid
- List of Coping Skills (editable)
- “Things that Bug Me” WorksheetScreen Shot 2012-10-29 at 9.46.30 AM
- “Angry Body” WorksheetScreen Shot 2012-10-29 at 9.45.53 AM
- Conflict Pathway Graphic Organizer
- Trigger Checklist (editable)
- Anger Thermometer PosterScreen Shot 2012-10-29 at 9.48.54 AM
- Anger Scenario Cards (editable - also found in "Social Skills Land Game")
Screen Shot 2012-10-29 at 9.48.32 AM
Forms are presented in PDF format, except for the editable items, which you can adjust in Microsoft Word to meet your students' needs. Have fun!


  1. [...] you’re looking for more activities to help kids deal with anger, check out my Dealing with Anger Activity Pack. You can find everything in my store. [...]

  2. […] you’re looking for activities for your students, check out my Dealing with Anger Activity Pack, Anger and Coping Skills Bingo, and Social Skills Cards: Feelings Pack Freebie! You can also check […]

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