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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Pinterest Find :: Organization Binder Printables

Organization Binder

Last weekend, I came across this awesome website on Pinterest! It's called DIY Home Sweet Home and contains tons of free pages you can download and print to create an organization binder. Many of them are specific for home use, but a bunch of them could be used for school or work use as well! She did such a great job!

I especially loved these:

Week Notes Month Dates to Remember Contacts

Note: all photos on this post are from DIY Home Sweet Home. I didn't take any of them!

post image


  1. Thank you for featuring my binder pages :)

  2. HOw do I get the whole set that are pictured in this post. Can the templates be sent to my e-mail?

  3. I don't own the rights to or make this product - it's just something cool I found and wanted to share! Just click one of the pictures and it will take you to the blog of the person who made them. You should be able to download them from her!

